- Jong Woo Kim, Hong Joo Lee, Sung Joo Park, "Research Framework for Comparison of Mobile Content Services in Korea and China," The 8th Asian eBusiess Workshop, August, 2008, pp. 35-38.
- Byung Woon Rhie, Jong Woo Kim, Hong Joo Lee, "Methods of User-Created Content Recommendation with Content Metadata," The 8th Asian eBusiess Workshop, August, 2008, pp. 81-86.
- Sun Tae Kim, Jong Woo Kim, "A Study of Consumer Loyalty on Instant Messaging Services," The 8th Asian eBusiess Workshop, August, 2008, pp. 139-147.
- Jong Woo Kim, Seunghyuk Kim, "Data Mining for SOHO Bankruptcy Prediction Using Modified Bagging Predictors," Proceedings of the 6th Asian e-Business Workshop, Fukuoka, Japan, August 3-5, 2006, pp.26-34.
- Jong Woo Kim, Joon Hur, "Hybrid Data Mining Approach Using Error Pattern Model: Hybrid Usage of Decision Tree Induction and Artificial Neural Networks," The Seventh Conference of the Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies, Manila, Philippines, January 16-18, 2006.
- Soo Hwan Park, Hong Joo Lee, Jong Woo Kim, "Feasibility on Cross-Product User Profiling for E-Commerce Recommendation Systems," The Seventh Conference of the Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies, Manila, Philippines, January 16-18, 2006.
- Hyung Jun Ahn, Jong Woo Kim, "Feature Reduction for Product Recommendation in Internet Shopping Malls," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Electronic Business, Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Hong Kong, December 5-9, 2005, pp. 132-127.
- Jong Woo Kim, Hong Joo Lee, "A study on the Relationship between Data Sparsity and Performance in Collaborative Filtering Recommender System," Proceedings of the 5th Asian e-Business Workshop, Shineville Resort, Jeju, Korea, August 24-27, 2005, pp. 81-92.
- Hong Joo Lee, Jong Woo Kim, Sung Joo Park, "A Comparison of Initial Item List Selection Strategies for Personalized Recommendation in e-Commerce Sites," Proceedings of the 5th Asian e-Business Workshop, Shineville Resort, Jeju, Korea, August 24-27, 2005, pp. 93-102.
- Hong Joo Lee, Sung Joo Park, Jong Woo Kim, "A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Retrieving Engineering Change Knowledge in Collaborative Product Development," 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort & Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 11-15, 2005.
- Jong Woo Kim, Hong Joo Lee, "Relationship between the Number of Ratings and the Performance of Collaborative Filtering," 17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort & Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 11-15, 2005.
- Jong Woo Kim, Hong Joo Lee, Sung Joo Park, Ki Hyun Yoo, "Team Characteristics and Knowledge Management System Functionalities : An Empirical Analysis of Government-sponsored Research Organizations in Korea," Fifth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-V), Seoul, Korea, October 25-27, 2004, pp.263-269.
- Jong Woo Kim, Hong Joo Lee, Sung Joo Park, "Parameter Selection of Collaborative Filtering for e-Commerce Personalized Recommendation," Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research(ICECR-7), Dallas, Texas, USA, June-10-13,2004.
- Hong Joo Lee, Hyung Jun Ahn, Jong Woo Kim,Sung Joo Park, "Knowledge Representation and Reusing in Engineering Change Management," Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering2004, Jeju, Korea, March 25-27, 2004.
- Jong Woo Kim, Hyung Do Kim, "Classification and Verification of Semantic Constraints in ebXML BPSS," e-Biz World confference 2004, Seoul, Korea, February 25, 2004, pp.318-326.
- Sung Joo Park, Hong Joo Lee, Jong Woo Kim, Gyu Jung Kim, Hyung Joon Ahn, "Knowledge Portal for Collaborative Research: A Design for Korean R&D Organizations," 6th International Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS 2003), New Delhi, India, December 8-11, 2003, pp.18-18.
- Jong Woo Kim, Hyoung Do Kim, "Modeling and Application of Semantic Constraints for ebXML Business Process Specification," Proceeding of the 3rd Asian eBusiness Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, August 7-9, 2003, pp.181-193.
- Jong Woo Kim, Ki Hyun You, Robert F. Easely, "A Multidimensional Scaling Approach for Personalized Recommendation on Internet Stores," Proceeding of the 5th Northeast Asia Symposium-The 2nd Asian eBusiness Workshop, Seoul, Korea, 22-24, August, 2002.
- Jong Woo Kim, Habin Lee, Sung Joo Park, "Agent-based Recommendation System Architecture to Support Decision Models," IFORS 2002 (The Sixteenth Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies), Edinburgh, UK, 8-12, July, 2002.
- Jong Woo Kim, SeokHoon Lee, Ha Bin Lee, "Decision Tree Induction Techniques for E-Commerce Recommendation Systems," Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute (53rd Session of International Statistical Institute), Seoul, Korea, 22-29, August, 2001.
- Jong Woo Kim, Robert F. Easley, Michael, J. Shaw, "Recommendation Model Selection for Effective E-Store Personalization," 1st Asian e-Biz Workshop, Beijing, China, July 4~6, 2001.
- Hongsoon Yim Keyhyun Cho Jongwoo Kim Sungjoo Park, "Architecture-Centric Object-oriented Design Method for Multi-Agent Systems," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems(ICMAS 2000), Boston, Massachusetts, USAJuly 10-12, 2000, pp. 469-470.
- Thae Gun Kang, Hye Sung Jun, Sung Shin Park, Young Kuk Kim, Kwan Jong Yoo Kyung Mi Lee, Jong Woo Kim,"Multiple Intelligent Agent Architecture for personalized Advertisement and Information Services on Internet Shoppping Mall," 98 KMIS International Conference,11, 1998, pp. 117-126.
- Yim, Hongsoon, Kim, Jongwoo, Park, Sungjoo, “Design of Object-oriented Methodology for Client-Server Information System Domain," 97 KMIS International Conference, 12, 1997.
- Han Seup Kim, Jong Woo Kim Hyung Joo Ahn Sung Joo Park, “Intergrated and Distributed Decision Support System for New Product Development," APORS 97(The Forth Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies, within IFORS), APORS, 1997.11.
- Kim Jong Woo, Park Sung Joo, "Intelligent Campus: Integration of Digital Library and Campus Information Systems," Proceedings of International Symposium on Digital Libraries 1995, Japan, 08, 1995.
- Kim Jong Woo, Kim Hyiung Do, Park Sung Joo, "Multi-facetted Approach to Model Representation and Management," APORS 94: The Third Conference of Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS,APORS, Fujuoka, Japan, 07, 1994, pp. 26-29.
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